Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Part Two: The True Facts About Starting Your Own Business

In this blog, is the continuation of the first part. In Part One: The True Facts About Starting Your Own Business, we haven't shared any statistics about being in business for yourself. And why should we disclose these statistics? No one wants to hear facts. Everyone wants to hear stories about how they've done it and what did they do to achieve it. In truth, in order for you to become successful in being a business owner, you have to create teams to manage your business.

And surround yourself with influential people who either done what you're seeking and being successful or who are seeking for the same goals that you are seeking in the same position. Yet, lets face it, it is said; "The blind, can't lead the blind. They all will end up in the ditch." This quote was said none other than the Lord above; Christ Jesus. This is true, a blind man can't lead another blind man towards success. A blind man, needs a see'er, who can see what's ahead. Yet, in a different philosophy, a captain of a ship needs a navigator to guide the coordinates to its goal. Without a navigator, your ship won't go any where.

Setting the Sale!

In this part, we will share with you the idea of; Setting the Sai! by Jim Rohn. Setting the Sale is a
philosophical term that is used to creating an idea. An idea of what your plans are for the future. It also explains the goals of your business and the destination or the vision of your business. No business entity will ever become successful without these two keys; core values and mission statement. 

Yet, most companies that illustrate these keys are on the right track and possibly making huge returns. Which is, a typical company is making huge profits. Therefore, besides what a company does, without the values of a company or its mission, there won't be a vision that it will be able to build upon. Moreover, a company or business can have a vision before it develops its values and its mission. 

Sometimes it's not only two keys that is important in building a business of your own. Most times, it's three keys that you have to employ into your business. With a vision, core values and mission statement.

The Road Towards Success

In every business industry, whether it be from sports to transportation. There are roads or path ways that you have to get to in order for your business to prosper. And with these roads that you start to pave out. Traffic will start to flow into your business. As it is explained in part one, we have shared with you what traffic can do for you and your business. Once you have obtained traffic, cash-flow will soon come. But, there is no sugar coating here, in most states you have to obtain a business license in order to do business. 

Therefore, if you are planning to use your governments money? You and your business must be recognized by its state and government. If not? Chances are, you will have to pay a price. Or face a penalty. Being in business is not risky, if you know what you are doing and what you are getting yourself into. Most people start a business because they want to help people. Some get into business because they want to help out their politician by achieving the same goal, which is creating "jobs".

Jobs are created by starting a business. Once you create a business idea and have it recognized by your
state or government, you can now create teams into your business. These teams are people that you organize to run each department in your business. Like of a ship; a ship has different departments. For example:

  • You have a Captain,
  • A Navigator,
  • And Sailors.
Yet, this is just a basic idea. This is an example of a small ship. Your sailors, which they call: mates. Or ship-mates. The mates are the ones who maintains the ship or boat. The Captain, he is the one that comes up with the idea or the mission. The Navigator, is the one that plans out the idea and suggest it to the captain. If the captain approves the idea? Then the navigator records it on the map. Then, the captain orders the sailors to conduct the procedures. See the picture now?

In every point in life, we have to come up with an idea to either solve a problem or a solution to a problem. Every idea or a plan does make a difference. With the right mind set and philosophy of any typical business, your business will achieve greatness. Always stick to your foundation. Don't wonder off of your foundation. Even if you are planning to start your business as a franchise. A fully developed business achieves its goals by following its core values and mission statements to its fullest extent.

Well educated employers and employees of your business will bring great rewards and success. In most cases, a well organized business will run like a professional sports team. Each member of the team has to do their job in order to be successful. Most times you will come across penalties and mistakes. Yet, with these mistakes can hinder your progress. But, if you learn from these mistakes and not repeat them. Your business will grow. Sometimes you have to restructure your plan and redesign your products to compete with other businesses. Remember: "You aren't in the business to make money by yourself." You have to make sure that you are prepared to face your competition straight forward.

Small Business versus Big Business

Small Business versus Big Business, is a huge trend that has been around for the past decade. During the "Depression" in the 1930's. A lot of businesses had tanked, because of the lack of income that was generating. If people weren't buying, businesses weren't making money. Therefore, a business can only flourish if there is a huge income stream. Furthermore, if taxes rise, a business will not be able to sustain itself. For one, a business will not be able to pay its workers and two, if there is no income, a business is not able to pay its taxes.

Yet, today as taxes increase. Lesser businesses will be developing and not enough people will be able to find work. Unless that there is a change in the economy, where lesser taxes is being taken away? Then a business will be able to grow. Or if you aren't running a business? You will be able to save enough money and be able to buy the things you need to get through the month. Moreover, a typical house-hold won't be able to pay for anything if taxes do increase. They say; "The money that you pay for taxes, helps with government programs and agencies..." If you read this right, and don't quote us on this. Yet, in reality, the taxes that you pay does go towards government programs and agencies that helps over-seas financing. Furthermore, if taxes was to plummet, it will give you a chance as an entrepreneur to succeed which gives you a higher advantage. But, lets face it. It will only be a dream. We can dream, right? Just look at the photo below and above.

Now that we are in this phase of life, if you are a part-timer or a part-part-timer. You will be over-whelmed like the photo above the paragraph. And if taxes was to go down, you would probably look like the photo above here. Many small businesses would rise if taxes would give you an advantage. Although, taxes does give you a little leverage if you're in a business for yourself. If you are a working citizen. Then you are going to be taxed accordingly. So, just imagine. For just a second. If you were to come up with a business idea and started running it. Would that make everything worth your while? Yes! It will. Now, picture that you hired people to do the work for you. Now, look at it. In most case scenario a typical business lasts for an average of 5 years. And they either get bankrupt or bought out(Camacho Enterprise have been in business since 1998, ever since then we have been researching and developing ways to educate our viewers.). So, what are you going to do today? Are you going to get out of your seat and make a difference for yourself?

It's All About the Money!

In the past decade since 9/11, it has been all about the money. Why? Since the growth of inflation. Life as we know it, is all about the money. Money itself, pays for everything, from food on the table to the electric to turn on the light and gas to keep your house warm. In the 1930's it wasn't all about the money. It was all about businesses. During those years, there weren't too many businesses around. And there was a lot of people. In other words, when you have a lot of people and less businesses. The percent rate is kind of off-set. Why? Once the percent rate becomes off-set. You have deflation. Is this bad? No. When there is a deflation. It gives life a chance to regain and start again. But, once you have inflation. It will keep rising until it explodes. And once it explodes, the consequences is catastrophic.

And to think, since 9/11, you would think that it would have set America into a depression. But, it didn't. Financially, the United States have become the most poorest country in the world since then. At the same-time, America itself is still young and it is still growing. Yet, America is growing slowly. Most, will defer to this fact. Everyone else, says; "America is not poor, America is rich." Therefore, look at what is going on. If you see more and more homes being sold on your street or neighborhood and more and more people are losing their jobs or getting forced retirement. It says a lot about where your country is heading into.

As people become less aware of what is going on. And not understanding what is going on. You won't be able to start your business. You won't be able to make a huge profit. You won't be able to strike it rich!


In this blog, all that is shared is some information that will be able to help you succeed. Yet, we won't share too much information to you. In everything in life, we have to seek for what we want. Then, we have to ask what is needed or how can we get it done. And while we seek and ask, we have to knock. Knocking, is by not only to go to our neighbors house and knock to ask if you can borrow sugar. But, its a metaphor to go and read up, learn how to solve your problem and make it work. It is like always; "I can lead you to the water hole. But, its up to you to drink it." So far you have found out about: Setting the Sale, The Road Towards Success, Small Business versus Big Business, It's All About the Money! We hope that you have taken some of what we shared and make it your own. Or you have seek'd better understanding from someone else. Just remember, always learn from the best. Learn what they have accomplished. If you are reading this for the first time send us a message at"We love to answer your questions."

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