Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What's All The Fuss About The Travel Ban?

In this day and age, now that Obama is out of office. It has been about three-and-a-half months since then. Now that President Donald J. Trump took office as the nations new leader. Everyone is in a panic mode. Wondering if banning "Muslims" is a bad idea.

Yet, since the time Trump took office. There has never been any spontaneous gun-shootings, where cops are being killed by black-people. Or black people are being killed by cops. And road-rages! Therefore, no one has ever noticed these things.  To Learn More, Click Bottom ↓


Welcome! What you are about witness here, is some information that we have obtained that will otherwise give you some discomfort or misunderstanding. The information what we will provide to share with you, is just evidence. Anything more than what we provide, we ask that you use your own due diligence. More and more millennials are working to debunk, protest and file for lawsuits in this day and age. It is unfortunate that Madame Hillary Clinton had lost the election and everyone in the world were dismayed to the fact that the blue-collar workers have made up their minds and said; "enough is enough..." Too much politics!

Last years record should have been; the worlds most awful mud-slinging in the world. It was apparent that Hillary had lost her chances since she was throwing mud at Trump and not realizing that the most important issue for America, "was the people". And Hillary Clinton's Campaign, failed to see it. Like Donald J Trump, he's a winner. He thinks like a Winner and that's why he's the most affluent billionaire and self-made at that.

If you are reading this for the first-time? Be prepared for what's to come. Because, if you're not prepared? You will fall behind. This blog is not about politics.

And if it does sound like politics to you? Well, you have lost your mark. The issue at hand, is the fact that the world is against Trump. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party and millennials are all against him. If this is not discrimination? Then, what is?

It seems no one wants to support a billionaire. Everyone for the fact, blames, complains and argues that rich people are evil. Yet, they are the ones that are making all the money but you. Let alone, you feel you are at the bottom of the barrel. Entrepreneurs all across America, has seen an opportunity.

They(Entrepreneurs and Blue-collar Workers) saw a vision. They saw hope. They saw freedom. They saw the American Dream. They saw that WE can Dream BIG!

The People Against Trump

The media on the under-hand, wants to deface Donald J. Trump because he had filed for bankruptcy three-times in his life in business. And who hasn't? There is no shred of doubt that any fellow United States Citizen, has filed for bankruptcy. Moreover, politicians has labeled people just like you and me, that if you have filed for bankruptcy. You already are looked upon as; a delinquent citizen.

Meaning, that if you're unable to pay-off your debts? You are no good towards society, which politicians look upon. Now, we have a new leader that looks upon the people of the United States. And he see's that the citizens of America, needs hope again. The people need to dream again. 

Yet, everyone is afraid of this travel ban? They should be afraid of being killed by terrorists than being deported. Although, the President wants to ban refugees that are fleeing from states that harbor Terrorism. And everyone is in support of "Muslims" in the process. Furthermore, history tells us that the Muslim community started way back, 100 years after Jesus died on the cross and they rose from the ashes during the Crusades. No one has ever remembered this. Moreover, the Muslim religion, has spread far and wide from east-to-west.

We have found that there is a Muslim Brotherhood that is and was and still is backed by President Barrack Hussein Obama. President Obama failed to identify the enemy. He failed to admit that we were attacked by ISIS. Yet, the President called them; ISOL. Like, what in the name is "ISOL"?

Obama, didn't present strength. He did not present unity. He did not present honesty. He did not present the American way. Furthermore, Obama, presented weakness in the eyes of America's Allies.

And the Enemy, knew this. ISIS, knew that the Obama Administration was weak. United States of America, became weak since Bill Clinton was in office. The Clinton's are the most corrupted family in American History. There is no way of escaping this fact.

The Wall...

Here is one of the issues that the American citizens face in this millennium. The people of America, see's this as a "discrimination", yet the people failed to realize that drugs and illegal immigration has been happening in America since the day that America, was founded. Immigrants, have been smuggled into America for generations upon generations. It is not new. It is not foreign.

The President, made a statement that Mexico, is going to pay for the wall. But, prior to President Donald J. Trump took office. Trump, proposed that the United States Citizens will pay 50% for the wall. And the reason that Trump made the statement that Mexico should pay for the wall, is because of the trade. Since, 100% of all the products that the American citizens consume, comes from Mexico.

And majority of those are; coffee, hemp, textile, and many more. Now, many of the media and late-night shows are capitalizing to the fact that these issues will give them leverage. But, it will only hurt their reputation in the long-run. People are ignorant to think that criticizing the President, makes everyone feel good. In actuality, it is impairing our common sense.

The life-style for today, is not as bad as it was when Obama was in office. A lot of people in America were dying. And majority of the cause was stress. From 2008-2016, people have been dying more from; cancer, heart-attacks, strokes, car-accidents, suicides, etc. And it was on a record high.

Moreover, upon the wall that is concerned. The people and the media, have been making jokes that Mexico can dig under a wall or they can climb over it. Yet, are we being realistic? Or is it just sarcasm?

Whichever it is, the fact that, if we aren't supportive of our Commander-in-chief. America, will face an enemy that they(the people and politicians) haven't seen. The people believe that the Muslim brotherhood is the most innocent people, faith and religion on the face of the earth. Yet, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Muslim men will rape and kill your wives.

Fake News!!!

Muslim men, will kill you because you don't believe in Allah. In Mexico, there are Muslims that are in control of the Mexican Government. And the media, will tell you that this is fake news. During Hillary Clinton's race towards the white-house. She stated, "fake" news.

It became almost a house-hold name. All the politicians jumped upon the band-wagon and screamed; FAKE NEWS!!! How could all this be "fake" news, when you can actually find information online. You can do background checks online, you can find almost everything on the web, if you Google™ it. Just type out what you're looking for, and you'll get what you're searching for.

Therefore, what is said earlier here in this part of this blog, Muslim men will kill you if you're a Christian, etc., as long as you're not a brother of Allah. Because, their faith, says; that anyone who is not part of the Brotherhood. Is an infidel! In the Sharia Law, infidels needs to be killed.

So, if you're watching a man that get's decapitated, is fake news? You're dead wrong! No one, wants to see anyone get's decapitated. Unless, if you have a psychological problem. Now, would you accept a Muslim in your house-hold?

There are videos posted on YouTube™. Did you know that in Europe and many other countries have banned all networks from the Untied States, because of "fake" news. If you were to go to a foreign country. You will find that they have real news. Foreign media, reports real issues.

In America, all you hear is gossip and biased information. And these information, can either make or break your career. It is a manipulation where, you want to know what's the bad side of a person, place or thing. No matter how hard you try to avoid it? You will be surrounded by fake news.

Take a look at the tabloids at your local supermarket or magazine shop or newspaper stand. You will find and notice the head-lines of either a celebrity or political figure. And the assumptions goes on.
Then, rumors spread like wild-fire. Followed by lives or relationships being destroyed.

So, even if we are liberals, conservative, etc. When there's no facts. There's no results. Otherwise, we could lead you towards links of our studies. But, you have a brain, you fingers to type.

Do your due diligence. Do your research. Find the facts for yourself. Otherwise, if you have any negative remarks about this blog? Then, your freedom of speech is unacceptable.

The law of freedom of speech is a law that one can protest his/her statement in congress to pass a bill. Not to protest against governments, etc. And if you are going to protest your amendment rights? This is not the place. We are only giving you some information that we have obtained. And sharing it with you.


With all the mishaps and uncontrolled issues that we face today. Since Donald J Trump became President. He has shown the people how integrity, leadership, loyalty, honor looks like. Many are against the American way. Others are for foreign policy.

Not enough of the American citizens are for Donald Trump. If America was lead by Hillary Clinton.
America would have been in a brink of War. ISIS would have killed everyone from east-to-west. And the prophesies would have been fulfilled.

But, besides that, ISIS is being hunted down. When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, under Obama. ISIS, grew under their leadership. Obama and Clinton, gave birth to ISIS. And now, America has to go and hunt down and kill what they have created.

Many millennials will protest, cry-out, complain, debate, etc. Because they can't stand the fact. They believe that they are living a nightmare. But, the nightmare is in their minds already. With the fact that they have no capability to survive.

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