Sunday, February 16, 2014

President's Day

This is the day that we honor the founding fathers of the United States of America. Since history has it, America was fought by democracy. In its beginning America was set by freedom of liberty. Freedom of slavery. Yet, today, America has changed and is no longer a democracy. It has become more of a corporate America, organized by corporate conglomerates of either of World Banks or corporate hierarchies of businesses. To find out more click bottom.

The American History

According to what is said in the link above. America has a lot of history to its belt. Many people have died to liberate what was once a peaceful and prosperous continent in the world. So many people from all over the world come to America to live "The American Dream". The American Dream is, having a home, a family, freedom and an expressive life-style.

The President of the United States
Each year from generation to generation. New electives are voted into office. Each year, the economy changes. Each year, the people suffer. Yet, the President of the United States is only a represent-or of a free country.

The American Indians
Since the founding of America. The Native people of North America had suffered more than any other race in the entire world. To this day, they are still over-powered by a Colonial Culture. And since I say; Colonial. It was founded or more like invaded by colonists, who fled from Europe and traveled west in hopes of freedom. Only to find that the land that they were seeking was already occupied.

Freedom in itself is over-rated. Many believe that freedom is the path way of death. Yet, metaphorically speaking. Freedom is just an expression of escape from captivity. Each year, the people of the United States of America honors the Founding Fathers: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. Yet, on mount Rushmore, erected on the mountain is a mural of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
These are the gentlemen who have fought for freedom.

President's Day
This is a day, all Americans should reflect back to what was once a justified country that was built on an American Dream to be brave and to fight with honor and freedom of liberty. Only time will tell.

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