During this season in the second month of the year. Not only are people filing for taxes and staying fit and eating healthy. Valentines Day, is just one of those days where people or some people fall-in-love. This is a day that some people arrange to be married. And there are some downs to this day.
The downs to this day are those times when a reflection comes back or a memory of lovers past or past relationships has gone down the drain. Some hurtful events have happen. But, not only does the down out-weighs the ups. In truth, the up-side far out-weighs everything that stands in life. The joy of falling in love. The joy of giving your spouse flowers or celebrating your anniversary. Is a plus.
But many people have suffered the pain and agony of having a broken heart on such of a special occasion.
My story on this; I too once had a girl-friend. It was Valentines Day. And I accidentally forgot that it was Valentines Day. I recall, forgetting it. Because, all I could think about at the time was the bills. And during every year between January to April. Bill collectors been calling me. Rent getting higher. All the expenses came crashing down on me. And at that time, it wasn't helping my love-life. I had forgot that it was Valentines Day and I didn't get her flowers or even mentioned it to her. In my head at the time, "I hope that she loves me regardless of what I am going through?" I was going through hell on the inside. And I was afraid to admit it to her. All I could do was, pay the bills get it cleared and make her happy as much as I can. I later learned that between us we spoke differently. I later learned that there was a thing called: Love Language.
I didn't know that it existed. But, I found it only after my relationship with my ex-girlfriend. If I found it sooner before everything had shot to hell. I would have expressed my love to her in her language. I learned that her love language was quality-time. And I blew it. I failed to give her that need. Every-time I came home from work, I told her that I love her. Yet, what blows her off, is the time that we have together. When she wants to talk, I am all tired. She once told me; "Did you remember when before we first dated, we talked hours on the phone? All through-out the night and into the morning. You weren't tired then! And now you are all tired and don't want to talk to me? What the *_/#%! You know what?! Sleep on the couch." Those weren't the words that I was expecting. Yet, I knew how she felt. And I knew that she wouldn't forgive me. Many of her friends hated me. And her Sister hated me also. In a way, I didn't blame them. Later, there came a time of the cold shoulder. I knew that it wasn't going to get any better than what it is. I tried to make it better. No matter what I did. It got worse. All I could think about was those words she told me. I felt guilty for it. I thought that she knew that I wasn't perfect. I thought she knew that I wasn't going to get things right. I also thought that she would forgive me. But she didn't. To this day, she still hates me. She hates me because I got mad at her once and told her that she reminds me of my mother. And that was a no, no. I paid for it. And to this day. She also hates my mother too. The point is, every one will fail their relationship one way or another. Once you start arguing and fighting. Your relationship is over. Unless you decide to forgive each other and work things out. It will be better. Because, a relationship is not a one way road. Its a two way street. You both are going into the same direction.
Here is a link to some of my favorite sites:
So all in all, learn the language of love. It can save your relationship. And that is our goal with CE(R). Our goal is also, to help and consult our clients and customers with the most available information that they can find. Also stop by our store: Use our IBO# to log in 6704276 at http://www.amway.com/AustinCamacho Enjoy! Happy Valentines Day!! Also look for our True Beauty Catalog. All items in the catalog will have free shipping Now to the end of March. So Hurry Now! While Supplies lasts! Make your order today! Order Today our operator is standing by call now at 1.866.324.0867
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