Would you measure your life according to failure or are you going to measure your life according to success? What I am about to share with you, are stories that I have come to experience. I know that facts don't tell, stories sell. Find out more. Click bottom↓
Failure is not an Option.
"Failure is not an option when Success is your destination..."
Have you ever heard this before? Failure is not an option when Success is your destination. I have. I heard it when I was growing up. I learned that failure wasn't an option. It was a choice. Failure comes when we hit a road block or we avoid a pot hole or fear to admit when doing wrong. Sometimes we lie to ourselves. As for me, my failures was avoiding the circumstances. I failed so many times in life that it ruined my relationships. I started to doubt myself, I started to blame others and sometimes I even blamed God for it. But I was hurt, saddened, disappointed and angry.
I could reflect back and recall all my past relationships. Especially my first, my very own best friend. A girl that I met when I was only in 2nd grade in Elementary. You could say; "That was puppy love..." But puppy love or not. I loved her since that day. As we were growing up, I failed at the fact that I couldn't see her no more, because I walked her home from school each day and I was only a young kid, we both were. Yet, she was my friend, my best friend. And I broke her heart and our promise that we made. Eventually over-time I tried to get back to her, but I failed. I couldn't understand the language that she was speaking to me. For all that time, I tried and I failed. I wrote letters to her, I wasn't a great speller in Elementary. But I worked hard to try and get her back. When I knew that she wasn't coming back to me. All that, had to do with me, was to forget about her and moved on. She later was dating guys older than we were, so I didn't know what was going through in her head. But I felt like she was jealous of me or she was trying to make me win her over.
And like what I said; "I couldn't understand the language that she was speaking to me..." Then, as we grew up. I learned that I had to do the same-thing, yet some part of me was biting me hard. It wanted me to go and fight for her and get her back. But there was a feeling inside of me. A feeling that I couldn't bare. That feeling was resentment. Some would say otherwise, but it made sense at that time. Again, I had to fight it off. If I loved her so much, I had to let her go. As weird as it may sound, even if it was like a movie scene, my life was ruined to let her go. When we were in High School. I later learned that she had gotten pregnant and was becoming a mother. When I heard the news, I was hurt. Yet, if you love someone deeply, you just move on because you don't want the other to be more hurt than what they really feel.
And that was the point I learned about success and failure. My success was, to seek a job, build a new life(more like a plan). Yet, more importantly, I wanted to join the military and go to war and leave everything behind me. But that didn't happen. As it turned out, the military wasn't for me. There was something greater in life that I was meant for. The one true success was that of going to school and getting good grades. Then my success was finding a job.
As the years wore on. Now that I found work and getting paid for it. It made me happy. It made me loved life again. The joy of getting paid was the most awesome feeling that anyone can achieve. Until you start to learn about budgeting and bills. Budgeting, I could learn. But bills, no way. I know that I had to one day start to pay bills. Yet, I knew that, by the looks that my mother gave, everyday when she had to go and pay them. The look in her eyes told the whole story, she never needed to say anything.
I started to learn what its like to have a success and fail again. Now, I learned that the only way to succeed in life, is to create a business of your own. Where; no one can tell you what to do, you don't have to wake up everyday, jumping out of bed early in the morning just to go to work to a dead end job. I mean, going to work can be great. But, its temporary. It's plain and simple. If anyone who have told you, get a good job get good grades, you'll do fine. Boy, was I sold on that plan. Until I lost my job, its funny to hear me say that.
Working was great, you get paid every two weeks of the month. And after taxes, it can be a whole nightmare. I mean, I was sold on a 40-40 plan. You work 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life. Because, when a company lays you off. You are really left with nothing. As new college students graduate from high school and attend college. The college graduates ends up going into the workforce, leaving you, to get laid-off from your job because, they need fresh meat. I have learned, that by the time you reach your 30's, if you've haven't climbed the corporate ladder, of being a supervisor or a manager. Chances are, you're going to lose your job.
As for me, I had my mind set as soon as I graduated from high school. I created, Camacho Enterprise®. You might be thinking; "Why on earth did you do that?" The real answer to that is this, why not? I've created my business to help people. To share a light of possibilities. To give others hope and a dream to become successful. I've partnered with many companies and now, I am working with AmWay® Global USA and World Wide Group/World Wide Dream Builders. They're a great company and the people that I work with are so warm and enthusiastic and energetic that, you will believe that you can do anything.
Finding yourself when you are at your lowest.
"No one can ever motivate you, unless you're willing to be motivated..."
No one can ever motivate you, unless you're willing to be motivated. People can not be forced into doing things. Its not natural. The natural part of life is the way people are compelled. If a subject or a story is so compelling, it drives people, it motivates them. When you've lost everything. You end up thinking negative. You're drawn by defeat. And defeat, is not what you really want. Accomplishment, is what you really need.
In order for anyone to over-come defeat, is by learning what cause you to get there. Learning from your mistakes, makes you become a better person.
"A Basketball star, doesn't become a basketball star for the fact of his height or color...What makes a person to become a basketball star, is the fact of how much time is spent to become a basketball star..."
Like for me, I felt that before. And I bet you've did also, many times. But, let me take you back. The past teaches us what we've done wrong and teaches us to do better. When I was in Elementary, my teacher(s) always graded my work and gave me an (F) for my work. And taught me that, that word means failure. But, I changed that word to become; Freedom. It motivated me to do better. Every-time I got an "F" for my reports and homework, I was proud. I was like, Yes! My friends looked at me like I was high. I was excited to fail, because I knew that it gave me the motivation of success. To succeed, you have make yourself to become better. I took it as training. A Basketball star, doesn't become a basketball star for the fact of his height or color. What makes a person to become a basketball star, is the fact of how much time is spent to become a basketball star. If you put hours into doing your best in what you do, chances are, you're going to be the best at what you do. And like for me, I've come to learn that failure is freedom. It teaches you to let go. It teaches us to move forward or upward, not backwards or downwards.
Chasing your dream.
"Dreams are given to us to have a goal...To have hope...To motivate us or to warn us of possible dangers..."
How often have you ever had a dream that woke you up at night and it seemed like a nightmare or so real that you woke up sweating? Or have you ever dreamed a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur? Well, I have to say, "I have." I had so many dreams that its difficult to count. But, some of those dreams that I had, had come to pass. They became a reality. At first I didn't make sense of it. Then, I had to accept it.
Dreams are given to us to have a goal. To have hope. To motivate us or to warn us of possible dangers. But, dreams are the keys toward success. Dreams are combined with a goal. When you set a goal, it will become a dream. When you dream that goal. It will become a reality. Your dreams will materialize and everything will come your way. Try it? I bet it will change your life.
I was told this many times; "Dreams are for dreamers, Doing is for doers..." I got upset at that fact. The reality of life is that, you can not just do something without having a dream first. If your goal was to become a professional athlete, you don't just go out and become a professional athlete. You would write your goal down on paper and think about it all day long. And all the way to the time you fall asleep at night. Then, you probably would dream about the goal you wrote on paper. Sometimes we dream about things that we either saw before we went to bed or thought about.
"The power of having a dream creates a belief system..."
The power of having a dream creates a belief system. A belief system is where, you want something real bad that it hurts your stomach. But, occasionally we end up chasing dreams. By chasing dreams, is not having a dream. And not having a dream and going out and doing something for the sake of doing it. Is not worth it. Most people are doing that today. You, probably is doing it today? Right at this moment you're probably chasing someone else's dream. Yet, what about your own? If you're working a day-to-day job, are you happy with it? Are you satisfied everyday? Are you making your relationship with your family a positive one? Its probable. You have already, a problem. Today, we will help you create a dream for success!
Its not about doing it, its about wanting to do it.
"Although you may have the want to do it, but the fact is, just doing it..."
Have you ever went to work and your boss wanted you to do something? Or have you ever gone to college and have your instructor to give you an assignment? Or have you ever gone to school and your teacher told you that you had a class project that is due in three days? If you said, Yes. To these questions, then you need help. If you said, No. To these questions, then you are already on your way. Like what I said earlier, you can't just go out and do something. Although you may have the want to do it, but the fact is, just doing it.
What separates people, is on one hand you have those that just do things and on the other hand you have those who want to do things. The ones who just do things, do things for the sake of doing. The ones who want to do things, end up dreaming about doing it. But, there are those who just do things sometimes have a dream, desire and need, and a want. There are those who want to do things sometimes have a no need, no desire, no want and no dream. Although both have a different insight, but they have the same goal.
Like for me; I wanted to just do things, but I couldn't do it, if I had no dream. I had a goal, my goal was to do it, just do it. All I had to do was to write down my goal and dream about it. I dream't about it and when I got up, I started writing.
Dealing with failed relationships and successful relationships.
"In today's society, its all about the money."
To be truthful, I'm no relationship expert. But with experience, I found out the hard way. Even if I was to go to a counselor and speak my mind. I had to learn to deal with broken relationships and learn from that and move on towards the next. Good or bad, I had to jot down what I did right and what I did wrong. Building relationships is hard-work. No one can say that its easy, if it were, everyone would be living healthy relationships and in America alone, there wouldn't be high risk divorce rates. In today's society, its all about the money.
Today's new and up and coming generation, its all about the money. Since this country has gotten itself into debt, every household in America and the world is in debt. Because, why? Stupidity. That's the truth, stupidity. People were so stupid in where and how they spent their money, thinking that it was going to last forever. Money is temporary! Money is just a piece of paper with no value.
You think that, that plastic that you have in your wallet or purse is worth more than that piece of paper? I think not. Before, 1930's and 1940's money had value. Since the 1960's to today, the value of money has gone so far down the drain that America is no longer the top country in the world.
With so much people protesting to this and protesting to that and claiming that the economy is going down, look around, there's no enough jobs that you can get or apply. There is not enough companies that can fulfill the work-load. Many people want things on a silver platter. People are getting spoiled and spoiled by the minute. Look at this for a change; on the internet, you don't see a poor person chatting in a chat room on a computer or on a laptop or on a smart phone. Majority of people are middle-class citizens and some above that status, claiming that their just like you and me. Well, for once, I am a poor person. The first and the last to ever be. I have lost my job, my family and my dignity. Yet, all that I have is a dream. To help people to not fail, just like I have. In this world you have to think on your feet. If not, you'll get knocked down by the blink of an eye. I for one, don't want you to get into what I have been through.
Its tough to struggle in life. Its tough to go out and find work. Yet, now I have a business of my own to help people just like you and me. Who are struggling and are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I will tell you this; if you're planning to have a family, don't think about working for a long-time or working three jobs so you can feed your family, that is insane. If you plan to build your family, your family comes first before your job. The moment that your job becomes first before your family, you better quit your job, because you're not happy being there.
Family Matters.
"One of the things in building your family is making your spouse as happy as can be..."
Family matters, no matter what is going on in this world. Family matters. If you're single and you don't have a wife and kids, the life that you have is not as great as having a family of your own. The reason that family matters in life, is because, you build a legacy. You build a solid down-line. Your family tree grows according to how you manage it. One of the things in building your family is making your spouse as happy as can be.
You or your spouse have to learn to serve each other, not slave for each other. When you have chores to do around the house, and you're getting tired of doing it. Its time for you to hire a maid or a butler to tend to your needs. If you want to live like a king, it starts at home.
Build your business and keep it flowing.
"Having a business mentality is not that difficult...Its so easy than it looks..."
Since your family is more important than your job. Move on to become a business owner, knowing how to manage your business starts from home. If you can manage your relationship with your spouse, you can manage your business. If you can go up to a complete stranger and ask them out on a date, you can build your business. Having a business mentality is not that difficult. It is so easy than it looks. Like what I said earlier; "If you can manage your spouse, you can manage your business." Its true. How often did you ever get mad with your boss? For everyone, every relationship or household a dispute always erupts between spouses or a family member. Not realizing that what their doing is mirroring the issue that was caused by their job. And sometimes its the other way around. No one has mastered the ethics of business and personal.
"You have to treat others the way you want to be treated...If you don't, your job or your relationship will fail, because of the way you treat others..."
In business, if you treat your employee's with the most respect. You will eventually treat your family with the most respect too. If you treat your spouse with most respect, you'll treat your boss with the most respect too. Even if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. You have to treat others the way you want to be treated. If you don't your job or your relationship will fail, because of the way you treat others.
To find out more on this blog or to learn more please contact us today and we can help you get started!
Failure is not an Option.
"Failure is not an option when Success is your destination..."
Have you ever heard this before? Failure is not an option when Success is your destination. I have. I heard it when I was growing up. I learned that failure wasn't an option. It was a choice. Failure comes when we hit a road block or we avoid a pot hole or fear to admit when doing wrong. Sometimes we lie to ourselves. As for me, my failures was avoiding the circumstances. I failed so many times in life that it ruined my relationships. I started to doubt myself, I started to blame others and sometimes I even blamed God for it. But I was hurt, saddened, disappointed and angry.
I could reflect back and recall all my past relationships. Especially my first, my very own best friend. A girl that I met when I was only in 2nd grade in Elementary. You could say; "That was puppy love..." But puppy love or not. I loved her since that day. As we were growing up, I failed at the fact that I couldn't see her no more, because I walked her home from school each day and I was only a young kid, we both were. Yet, she was my friend, my best friend. And I broke her heart and our promise that we made. Eventually over-time I tried to get back to her, but I failed. I couldn't understand the language that she was speaking to me. For all that time, I tried and I failed. I wrote letters to her, I wasn't a great speller in Elementary. But I worked hard to try and get her back. When I knew that she wasn't coming back to me. All that, had to do with me, was to forget about her and moved on. She later was dating guys older than we were, so I didn't know what was going through in her head. But I felt like she was jealous of me or she was trying to make me win her over.
And like what I said; "I couldn't understand the language that she was speaking to me..." Then, as we grew up. I learned that I had to do the same-thing, yet some part of me was biting me hard. It wanted me to go and fight for her and get her back. But there was a feeling inside of me. A feeling that I couldn't bare. That feeling was resentment. Some would say otherwise, but it made sense at that time. Again, I had to fight it off. If I loved her so much, I had to let her go. As weird as it may sound, even if it was like a movie scene, my life was ruined to let her go. When we were in High School. I later learned that she had gotten pregnant and was becoming a mother. When I heard the news, I was hurt. Yet, if you love someone deeply, you just move on because you don't want the other to be more hurt than what they really feel.
And that was the point I learned about success and failure. My success was, to seek a job, build a new life(more like a plan). Yet, more importantly, I wanted to join the military and go to war and leave everything behind me. But that didn't happen. As it turned out, the military wasn't for me. There was something greater in life that I was meant for. The one true success was that of going to school and getting good grades. Then my success was finding a job.
As the years wore on. Now that I found work and getting paid for it. It made me happy. It made me loved life again. The joy of getting paid was the most awesome feeling that anyone can achieve. Until you start to learn about budgeting and bills. Budgeting, I could learn. But bills, no way. I know that I had to one day start to pay bills. Yet, I knew that, by the looks that my mother gave, everyday when she had to go and pay them. The look in her eyes told the whole story, she never needed to say anything.
I started to learn what its like to have a success and fail again. Now, I learned that the only way to succeed in life, is to create a business of your own. Where; no one can tell you what to do, you don't have to wake up everyday, jumping out of bed early in the morning just to go to work to a dead end job. I mean, going to work can be great. But, its temporary. It's plain and simple. If anyone who have told you, get a good job get good grades, you'll do fine. Boy, was I sold on that plan. Until I lost my job, its funny to hear me say that.
Working was great, you get paid every two weeks of the month. And after taxes, it can be a whole nightmare. I mean, I was sold on a 40-40 plan. You work 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life. Because, when a company lays you off. You are really left with nothing. As new college students graduate from high school and attend college. The college graduates ends up going into the workforce, leaving you, to get laid-off from your job because, they need fresh meat. I have learned, that by the time you reach your 30's, if you've haven't climbed the corporate ladder, of being a supervisor or a manager. Chances are, you're going to lose your job.
As for me, I had my mind set as soon as I graduated from high school. I created, Camacho Enterprise®. You might be thinking; "Why on earth did you do that?" The real answer to that is this, why not? I've created my business to help people. To share a light of possibilities. To give others hope and a dream to become successful. I've partnered with many companies and now, I am working with AmWay® Global USA and World Wide Group/World Wide Dream Builders. They're a great company and the people that I work with are so warm and enthusiastic and energetic that, you will believe that you can do anything.
Finding yourself when you are at your lowest.
"No one can ever motivate you, unless you're willing to be motivated..."
No one can ever motivate you, unless you're willing to be motivated. People can not be forced into doing things. Its not natural. The natural part of life is the way people are compelled. If a subject or a story is so compelling, it drives people, it motivates them. When you've lost everything. You end up thinking negative. You're drawn by defeat. And defeat, is not what you really want. Accomplishment, is what you really need.
In order for anyone to over-come defeat, is by learning what cause you to get there. Learning from your mistakes, makes you become a better person.
"A Basketball star, doesn't become a basketball star for the fact of his height or color...What makes a person to become a basketball star, is the fact of how much time is spent to become a basketball star..."
Like for me, I felt that before. And I bet you've did also, many times. But, let me take you back. The past teaches us what we've done wrong and teaches us to do better. When I was in Elementary, my teacher(s) always graded my work and gave me an (F) for my work. And taught me that, that word means failure. But, I changed that word to become; Freedom. It motivated me to do better. Every-time I got an "F" for my reports and homework, I was proud. I was like, Yes! My friends looked at me like I was high. I was excited to fail, because I knew that it gave me the motivation of success. To succeed, you have make yourself to become better. I took it as training. A Basketball star, doesn't become a basketball star for the fact of his height or color. What makes a person to become a basketball star, is the fact of how much time is spent to become a basketball star. If you put hours into doing your best in what you do, chances are, you're going to be the best at what you do. And like for me, I've come to learn that failure is freedom. It teaches you to let go. It teaches us to move forward or upward, not backwards or downwards.
Chasing your dream.
"Dreams are given to us to have a goal...To have hope...To motivate us or to warn us of possible dangers..."
How often have you ever had a dream that woke you up at night and it seemed like a nightmare or so real that you woke up sweating? Or have you ever dreamed a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur? Well, I have to say, "I have." I had so many dreams that its difficult to count. But, some of those dreams that I had, had come to pass. They became a reality. At first I didn't make sense of it. Then, I had to accept it.
Dreams are given to us to have a goal. To have hope. To motivate us or to warn us of possible dangers. But, dreams are the keys toward success. Dreams are combined with a goal. When you set a goal, it will become a dream. When you dream that goal. It will become a reality. Your dreams will materialize and everything will come your way. Try it? I bet it will change your life.
I was told this many times; "Dreams are for dreamers, Doing is for doers..." I got upset at that fact. The reality of life is that, you can not just do something without having a dream first. If your goal was to become a professional athlete, you don't just go out and become a professional athlete. You would write your goal down on paper and think about it all day long. And all the way to the time you fall asleep at night. Then, you probably would dream about the goal you wrote on paper. Sometimes we dream about things that we either saw before we went to bed or thought about.
"The power of having a dream creates a belief system..."
The power of having a dream creates a belief system. A belief system is where, you want something real bad that it hurts your stomach. But, occasionally we end up chasing dreams. By chasing dreams, is not having a dream. And not having a dream and going out and doing something for the sake of doing it. Is not worth it. Most people are doing that today. You, probably is doing it today? Right at this moment you're probably chasing someone else's dream. Yet, what about your own? If you're working a day-to-day job, are you happy with it? Are you satisfied everyday? Are you making your relationship with your family a positive one? Its probable. You have already, a problem. Today, we will help you create a dream for success!
Its not about doing it, its about wanting to do it.
"Although you may have the want to do it, but the fact is, just doing it..."
Have you ever went to work and your boss wanted you to do something? Or have you ever gone to college and have your instructor to give you an assignment? Or have you ever gone to school and your teacher told you that you had a class project that is due in three days? If you said, Yes. To these questions, then you need help. If you said, No. To these questions, then you are already on your way. Like what I said earlier, you can't just go out and do something. Although you may have the want to do it, but the fact is, just doing it.
What separates people, is on one hand you have those that just do things and on the other hand you have those who want to do things. The ones who just do things, do things for the sake of doing. The ones who want to do things, end up dreaming about doing it. But, there are those who just do things sometimes have a dream, desire and need, and a want. There are those who want to do things sometimes have a no need, no desire, no want and no dream. Although both have a different insight, but they have the same goal.
Like for me; I wanted to just do things, but I couldn't do it, if I had no dream. I had a goal, my goal was to do it, just do it. All I had to do was to write down my goal and dream about it. I dream't about it and when I got up, I started writing.
Dealing with failed relationships and successful relationships.
"In today's society, its all about the money."
To be truthful, I'm no relationship expert. But with experience, I found out the hard way. Even if I was to go to a counselor and speak my mind. I had to learn to deal with broken relationships and learn from that and move on towards the next. Good or bad, I had to jot down what I did right and what I did wrong. Building relationships is hard-work. No one can say that its easy, if it were, everyone would be living healthy relationships and in America alone, there wouldn't be high risk divorce rates. In today's society, its all about the money.
Today's new and up and coming generation, its all about the money. Since this country has gotten itself into debt, every household in America and the world is in debt. Because, why? Stupidity. That's the truth, stupidity. People were so stupid in where and how they spent their money, thinking that it was going to last forever. Money is temporary! Money is just a piece of paper with no value.
You think that, that plastic that you have in your wallet or purse is worth more than that piece of paper? I think not. Before, 1930's and 1940's money had value. Since the 1960's to today, the value of money has gone so far down the drain that America is no longer the top country in the world.
With so much people protesting to this and protesting to that and claiming that the economy is going down, look around, there's no enough jobs that you can get or apply. There is not enough companies that can fulfill the work-load. Many people want things on a silver platter. People are getting spoiled and spoiled by the minute. Look at this for a change; on the internet, you don't see a poor person chatting in a chat room on a computer or on a laptop or on a smart phone. Majority of people are middle-class citizens and some above that status, claiming that their just like you and me. Well, for once, I am a poor person. The first and the last to ever be. I have lost my job, my family and my dignity. Yet, all that I have is a dream. To help people to not fail, just like I have. In this world you have to think on your feet. If not, you'll get knocked down by the blink of an eye. I for one, don't want you to get into what I have been through.
Its tough to struggle in life. Its tough to go out and find work. Yet, now I have a business of my own to help people just like you and me. Who are struggling and are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I will tell you this; if you're planning to have a family, don't think about working for a long-time or working three jobs so you can feed your family, that is insane. If you plan to build your family, your family comes first before your job. The moment that your job becomes first before your family, you better quit your job, because you're not happy being there.
Family Matters.
"One of the things in building your family is making your spouse as happy as can be..."
Family matters, no matter what is going on in this world. Family matters. If you're single and you don't have a wife and kids, the life that you have is not as great as having a family of your own. The reason that family matters in life, is because, you build a legacy. You build a solid down-line. Your family tree grows according to how you manage it. One of the things in building your family is making your spouse as happy as can be.
You or your spouse have to learn to serve each other, not slave for each other. When you have chores to do around the house, and you're getting tired of doing it. Its time for you to hire a maid or a butler to tend to your needs. If you want to live like a king, it starts at home.
Build your business and keep it flowing.
"Having a business mentality is not that difficult...Its so easy than it looks..."
Since your family is more important than your job. Move on to become a business owner, knowing how to manage your business starts from home. If you can manage your relationship with your spouse, you can manage your business. If you can go up to a complete stranger and ask them out on a date, you can build your business. Having a business mentality is not that difficult. It is so easy than it looks. Like what I said earlier; "If you can manage your spouse, you can manage your business." Its true. How often did you ever get mad with your boss? For everyone, every relationship or household a dispute always erupts between spouses or a family member. Not realizing that what their doing is mirroring the issue that was caused by their job. And sometimes its the other way around. No one has mastered the ethics of business and personal.
"You have to treat others the way you want to be treated...If you don't, your job or your relationship will fail, because of the way you treat others..."
In business, if you treat your employee's with the most respect. You will eventually treat your family with the most respect too. If you treat your spouse with most respect, you'll treat your boss with the most respect too. Even if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. You have to treat others the way you want to be treated. If you don't your job or your relationship will fail, because of the way you treat others.
To find out more on this blog or to learn more please contact us today and we can help you get started!
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