In this section I will share with you some information that you can have at your disposal. Some of these information you can get it free online. But, some of the information that I will share with you, you just might find it here. First things first. What I am about to share with you is some steps that you can take before you start to go back to school or to get your child(ren) ready for the new school year or if you are starting college too.
Here are the steps:
- Follow Trends
- Find Deals
- Budget
- Obtain a School Supplies List
- Shop Smart
Follow Trends
Following Trends is a key to entering the school year. What was hot before,
may not be hot this year. Yet, sometimes it is best to have what was last year be good for you. Why? Because, what was hot last year, may be a great deal for you. Most Retail stores may sell apparel and gadgets for less than $100 dollars. Reason being, they know that they have to get everything off the rack before a new trend hits the markets. That is why, most people spend their time looking for infomercials or commercials to help them guide their emotion into what is hot or what will be hot in the coming year.
may not be hot this year. Yet, sometimes it is best to have what was last year be good for you. Why? Because, what was hot last year, may be a great deal for you. Most Retail stores may sell apparel and gadgets for less than $100 dollars. Reason being, they know that they have to get everything off the rack before a new trend hits the markets. That is why, most people spend their time looking for infomercials or commercials to help them guide their emotion into what is hot or what will be hot in the coming year.
As far as technology goes, technology is always evolving. More and more products are being created and released in the market so fast that by the time you blink your eye, that iPhone™ that you wanted will not be as popular than that new Android™ or Tablet™.
What you can do is this, you can buy what was hot. Reason being, it will be sold half off so, it will help you with your budget. Therefore, I am already sharing with you some information on finding deals and budgeting. But, I haven't shared with you a whole lot of information about finding deals yet. Mainly, in this section is all about following trends.
Following trends is like this; having a new hair cut or dying your hair or getting a tattoo. Yet, its more like following what people are buying and what they aren't buying. Lets say, for example; "Joe bought a new Nike™ shoes." and "Bob bought a new Adidas™ shoes." and "Richard bought a new Reebok™ shoes." most of these individuals have bought top of the line shoes. Now, for example; "John bought last years Nike™ shoes." and "Matt bought last years Adidas™ shoes." and "Mark bought last years Reebok™ shoes." The thing is, both of these individuals have bought the same style shoes. Yet, one was new and the other was a year old. The point is that when an item is on the shelf longer then when it was released. The cheaper the item will be.
Although, when it comes with trends. Like shoes, shoes sometimes aren't as hot all the time. Most times, its either clothing or apparel; backpack, purses, briefcases, etc. or electronics; like iPhone's™, iPad's™, Androids™, Tablets™, etc. So, beware! Trends change all the time. No matter what you buy.
For example; if you had bought a new iPhone™ that was made in 2014 this year. Just before the school year opens. A new iPhone™ is released for the upcoming year. You probably had spent about $100-$300 dollars for it. Now, the newer model is released and you're thinking of getting it? If I were you, I would stick to what was hot then, than what is hot or what will be hot. But, if you're willing to spend top dollar on a new gadget? Then by all means go for it. Yet, think about this; if you bought something that was new now and all of sudden a new product comes out and you bought that too. Don't you think that, that is a problem? Of course it is! It will become a problem in the long run.
When you are always buying newer products all the time, it will become a habit.
I would suggest that, just stick with what you've got until its broken or used up, then decide to upgrade. Don't get caught up into what's hot all the time.
Finding Deals
In this section of Finding Deals, is about shopping around. Look for what is up for sale. The cheaper the product, the better it is. Why? Because, when something is cheap. You buy it and when you aren't satisfied with it. You can sell it or return it.
This concept I have used in some of my discussions with my friends and family and now I am sharing this concept with you, for free. Yes! Free! Now, majority of all the cheap products that you bought to start out your school year, are now being used. Used products don't have a high value. Hint: You might have to buy two for the price of one.
New products that haven't been used, have a higher value. Products that have been used have lesser value. Reason being, when you have something that is new and not used you'll get more in return. When it is used, you get less in return. But, look at this for a moment. If you bought something that is new and used it once, chances are you still can make something out of it later. When you have bought something that is used, or bought something that is cheap then it would be worthless. Or more so, it loses its value. Furthermore, if you bought something that is cheap and not used it, the value of that product is more. Hint: notice that I said this; "if you bought something that is cheap and not used it, the value of that product is more." These advise that I give you will help you in the long run.
New products that haven't been used, have a higher value. Products that have been used have lesser value. Reason being, when you have something that is new and not used you'll get more in return. When it is used, you get less in return. But, look at this for a moment. If you bought something that is new and used it once, chances are you still can make something out of it later. When you have bought something that is used, or bought something that is cheap then it would be worthless. Or more so, it loses its value. Furthermore, if you bought something that is cheap and not used it, the value of that product is more. Hint: notice that I said this; "if you bought something that is cheap and not used it, the value of that product is more." These advise that I give you will help you in the long run.
In this section I will discuss or explain to you why budgeting is so important. Lets say; you had a only $300 hundred dollars to spend. Therefore, in reality you only have $200 dollars to spend. Why? Look at this; if you have $300 dollars in your pocket. That's your limit. You can not go over your limit. If you do, you are technically over-spending. And over-spending is not good. Put it this way, if you had a credit card, your limit on that card is $300 hundred credits. You can not go over your limit. If you do, you are over-spending. Which will lead you into debt.
What I am trying to teach you, is about balancing your budget. If you know how much is your limit. You will be able to control your spending habits. Most teens, will overspend their credit limit faster than you can fill up your gas tank. Yet, not all teens do this though. Most adults do this too. Why? Because, for each and every person, young and old, male and female. When it comes to spending, it becomes a habit. When you are given so many amounts of cash in your hand or free money like credits, you become a different person. You end up becoming a shopaholic or splurgaholic, you are not in control of your spending.
Therefore, budgeting is crucial to your life. If you can not control your budget and balance your income versus your expenses. You will end up in the hole. And that is not our goal in CE®. Our goal in CE® is to teach you how to manage your budget, control your spending and help you become financially independent. But, before I explain that side of my business and CE®, what I want you, the reader to know, is this; you have to take advantage of every information that you can obtain from this blog and the information that you can get from the internet as much as possible into learning how to manage you income, expenses, your house-hold and life-style.
From my research, I have found that when people shop at WalMart™. They end up spending more than they bargain for. If you do shop at WalMart™, you tend to buy things that you weren't looking for to begin with. Yet, I am not against WalMart™. WalMart™ have discovered ways to capture your eye as a consumer. They know the basics of business. And they know what you want and need. Yet, they are short of supplying your need. WalMart™ is the only company in the world that has duplicated McDonald's™ system and everyone is trying to bank in, on their system. But, before I share anymore information on that part. I want you, the reader, to stay tuned for our up and coming articles.
Obtain a School Supplies List
Now that the new school year is here. Some of you have obtained a school supplies list. And if you did or didn't, it doesn't matter. What matters is that, if you have combined the above steps into your life, you'll be ready for this stage.
Obtaining a school supplies list helps you to figure out what you or your child(ren) need, in order to go through the school year. Most parents or households have been complaining or worrying about the price level of all the products that is posted in stores. I have learned that the best way to overcome this habit is; "don't store all your eggs in one basket." This quote is very useful. Not only that it helps you think about your spending habits. But, it also helps you think upon your investment habits too. Also, I will explain more on this later. Yet, for now I just want you, to focus on your budget, deals and trends. Now, earlier I have given you an example on trends, deals and budget. Here, applies to all of that. When looking into getting your child(ren)'s school supplies. You have to look for the sales. Yes, Sales! Sales, is key. You can save up extra dollars if you look for these.
Shop Smart
Here I will explain just briefly about Shop Smart. In all of the above, if you combine all of what I have shared with you. You will become a better shopper. You will be able to manage your budget and have enough money just to get by the next few weeks or months. If you know your budget and stay under it. You will do fine. As long as you have followed the above steps. Tip: Always check your receipts. This will give you the advantage on staying above budget than staying below budget. Furthermore, don't shop only at one store. Diversify your spending. Meaning, spread your money around.
I hope that what you've read here was helpful? If it wasn't what you were looking for, then I am sorry to have wasted your time. I can not disclose too much information about; what you do with your money? or how you can spend your money? All I can offer you are these simple steps that I have learned throughout the years. I have spent my money on my ex-girlfriends daughter for two years on clothes, toys and apparel and also on my ex-girlfriend. That is how I learned trying to budget my money to get her school supplies and able to make my ex-girlfriend look good. And so, I have done it. I have been buying things that was hot on the market, following trends. I also learned to find deals where ever it came from. I also learned how to budget. At the same-time learning to pay close attention to my receipts, that illustrates where and how I am spending my money. I had to learn to make some adjustments on my spending. Once I did that, I started to climb myself out of ever hole that I had encountered. And so, I hope that all this information and tips will be useful to you. Good luck! And have a safe School year. God bless!
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