Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An Easter Special

Welcome! In this blog, I will explain some details about our Easter Holiday. Even though that day has past. Today, we will reflect on what this special day really is and why do we celebrate it. As you read through this blog, I hope that you accept it with an open mind and not judge it by what ever belief you have or opinion that you have. If you do, I suggest that you stop reading and search somewhere else. Because, not all dishes are made the same. Or should I say; not all eggs have the same color. But, we all get the same results. To find out more click bottom↓

Traditionally Speaking
For many years, we have been taught that the Easter Celebration was brought under the Christian belief that Jesus the Son of God, was crucified and was buried. And on the third day, he rose from the grave. Therefore, it was said that all Christians have to celebrate his triumph. Yet, now everyone is defacing the fact that this holiday, was in fact a Pagan/Wiccan/Witchcraft holiday. But, as our investigation has it, in the middle east. The people celebrated the Passover, in which that the Lord God of Israel had delivered them out of the hands of Egypt. And therefore, brought to this day their celebration from generation to generation. The people of Israel, celebrated their Passover by feast and games in which to entertain the children. Furthermore, they have created a unleavened bread (bread made without yeast) in the shape of an egg and were delivered across the plain and the children were to go out and gather the bread in a basket.

But, now more and more people believe that this was a form of witchcraft. Where they worshiped the Devil. And I am not speaking of the Israelites (Jews), I am speaking about those who are witches, warlocks and such. Yet, in our findings, witches/pagans/wiccans, they don't celebrate their holiday. If fact, in their belief system, there is no holiday. In their belief system, they worship their god at everyday of every month. There is no set date of which they do their rituals. For we have studied all different types of religions and beliefs, just to understand what it is that everyone does. From what we have investigated, they all worship a god that created this world. That god, has so many names. Yet, we have discovered that not all of them are evil in their nature. But, there are those that are evil in their nature. Here is an address that you can go to, to find out more of what Easter is all about:

Peace Time
Today, when we reach this time of the season that puts us in a ready stage to face not only the spring season but to be ready for the summer season that will come next. During peace time, we have the opportunity to share our time with our loved ones. Yet, not all have this opportunity to share it. Most of us have to work or go to war or whatever special duty that you're meant to do.

Moreover, peace time is where we can recuperate and reflect and ease our minds and bodies. Today, we are so stressed out about all kinds of things, that blows our minds. But, this is the time when we have to enjoy as much as possible and be ready as we head towards the middle of the year.

During this time of year, allergies brake out, storms start to produce. Climate change starts to hit drastically.

Furthermore, peace time is a time to enjoy.

Spring Cleaning
Most people clean their homes in march, yet this would be a great time to start cleaning up. Because, when you start to clean up during the spring season. You are in a better position that keeps you indoors, instead of outdoors. Since pollination is on the rise, you don't want to get hit with allergies.

Now is the time to get yourself situated and then get ready for the summer. In which you can clean up and when you start to treat yourself to like; a spa, pedicure, manicure, etc. You can also work on your health, by exercising; going to a yoga class, a fitness class, anything that is indoors. Finding an outlet that gets you in the grove to do things indoors instead of outdoors.

Family Time
Between March-April-May, is the time that you could spend some quality time with family. Reason being,
not only during; Thanksgiving and Christmas. Having family time in these months will give you the benefit of enjoying their time, being around them or traveling to them, builds a great opportunity. During these months is the best time to find cheap rates to fly. Because, since you've gotten your tax returns, you could plan a summer vacation, save up for thanksgiving and christmas. Or you could just reinvest your earnings by investing into your; Roth IRA, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds or buy a new home.

Yet, during this season, its all about spending time with family. Or if you don't have family, you could spend it with your friends. If money is not an issue, you could use this time to gather yourself.

In these months, from March to May. Is the best time to open your books. By opening your books now, gives you the advantage to see where you stand financially. Not everyone would like to look at their budget or their portfolio to figure out what they're going to do for the next six to seven months.

Moreover, its a good habit to start off in these months than later. If you budget your finances quarterly, semi-quarterly, monthly, semi-annually or annually. If you budget your finances quarterly, every three months you have to have your records ready. If you budget your finances semi-quarterly, which I think in most states they have this or some people prefer to have a semi-quarterly statement. (Yet, don't take my word for it. Not everyone has this, but I wrote this because of the fact that it gives an open window of planning.) Semi-quarterly is every two months, instead of every three months. If you budget your finances monthly, to some people its tire-some. Reason being, you have to report your records every month. If you budget your finances semi-annually, which is every six months. You have a little lee-way. It gives you time to take a breather. If you budget your finances annually, which is at the end of every year. This gives you all the time in the world to save up and report your records.

Only by doing this, it gives you a picture of what you can do for the summer, fall or winter season. And you can start to spruce up your life more better than any other day in your life.

As you may have read, I have shared with you just briefly of what Easter is all about. And what you can do during March-April-May. Also, you've learned the benefits of what Easter and Spring brings. Furthermore, you also now know that you can plan ahead, since tax season is over and you are thinking of what you can do with your money. In the mean-time, I hope that what you've read gave you some ideas. If it is a little confusing, I didn't mean to confuse you. All I had to offer you, is some information on what you can do. If you want to take more advantage of yourself, follow my blogs. It might just give you an inspiration. If you want to further your plan for the future, check out my partner website at:
and go to Start a Business and register. And learn to build your business. I hope you've enjoyed this blog. Have a great day!

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