In this blog, what I will share with you is some information on what you can do to prepare for the summer. Not everyone does this, but mostly young couples or teenagers do. But, preparing for the summer is a great opportunity. Majority of us want to look good or feel great for the summer. Most people who are on a diet or on a fitness plan, summer-time for them is like Christmas. And so, here we go! To find out more click bottom↓
Losing Weight
This day and age, we're so bombarded by infomercials that teases us to buy things that we don't really need. And there're advertisements that illustrate about all different types of weight-loss products. When people decide to lose weight, they either plan to exercise and eat right, in order to lose weight. Yet, most people rely on supplements to get by. Although, supplements are great, but it depends on where you get it. Some supplements are hazardous to your health. Reason being, is that some supplements are approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) or Food and Drug Agency. And some are not approved by it.
Purchasing any product from the FDA by any vitamin and supplement store near you. You'll have a better chance of success. And those that aren't you'll get health risks. Yet, sometimes the ones that are approved by the FDA aren't accurate either. Most times, its better to purchase a product that is approved by your PHP (Primary Health Physician). Because, its a guarantee that its approved by the government.
Here is a link that you can follow up: This link will teach you everything that is to know about weight loss supplements. You can also go to: And he will inform you on what types of supplements that are good for you. By following these websites and many more. You can find just about every information that you can get from purchasing weight loss supplements.
Furthermore, if you start taking these supplements. You can't stop. I mean, its not addictive. Yet, if you stop taking them. The pounds that you once lost will overwhelm you after the fact. Because, once you lose it, it comes back ten times more than you were. So, be careful!
My advice to you would be this; eat moderately, eat small portions and not huge portions and exercise at least one to two minutes per day. Or three to five minutes per day.
Reason being, when you eat moderately or eat small portions. It gives the body chance to digest the food that you ate. Which in turns shrinks your stomach so you can only absorb the amount. The key to this is your plate or bowl. The bigger the plate or bowl, the bigger your stomach is going to be. The smaller the plate or bowl, the smaller your stomach is going to be. Therefore, look closely of what you're eating. Also, the texture of your food. If it is too greasy, there's a lot of fat involve in your food. If it is not greasy, then you don't have fat in your food (although, your food does contain fat. But its good fat. Its not saturated fat or trans-fat).
Have a decent diet not strict diet
What this means is, having a decent diet is a way that you can be comfortable with and not cheat. Having a strict diet will give you the chance to cheat. Some may say; "that having a decent diet will make you cheat more than the strict diet." I would beg to differ. Because, most of our time is mental than physical. When we hear the word "strict" chances are we're going to cheat at ever opportunity that we get. As for a decent diet, it's made according to your life-style. Therefore, hearing the word "decent" will make you want to lose weight and feel great. Now that you know that you have a decent diet plan, you have to confidence to lose it.
Moreover, its all about the words. When you put it into your mind, it becomes psychological. The physical part is the fact that you have to plan out your exercise routine. But, exercise and dieting equals mental plus physical.
And another thing to losing weight and dieting, is the fact of counting calories. I mean, what is the point of losing weight if your whole focus is about counting calories? All you have to do is look at the size of your plate or bowl. It will tell you how much you're consuming. If it is a large plate/bowl, chances are you're getting too much calories. As for a medium size to small, you most likely will get less calories. But, it's better to have a medium/small size portions because it is better, see it. Plus, look at the image above, the one that has less on the plate. That right there, is an example of what you'll think when you're going on a strict diet and counting calories. Yet, the image that has the fruits and veggies. It illustrates that you'll not cheat, because you're content on what you're eating and the size of your portion. Does this make sense? I hope it does. Because if you're on a strict diet chances are you're going to cheat yourself. And you won't make it to your goal. In a sense, you're punishing yourself.
Therefore, adopt a decent diet plan. That way, you're allowed to reward yourself.
"Image is everything." Sprite™
This was the slogan of Sprite™ who's under Coca Cola®. Then it became: "Obey your thirst!" Yet, the point is, image is everything. What we see, is what we get. What we put into your minds, is what we will become. Every generation after generation, we are programmed into thinking out of what we feel inside.
That is why, image has become everything. We tend to want to look good. We want others to like us for what we look by the fact of our image. The way we dress, the way we walk, talk, etc. When it comes to the summer-time. We workout day-in and day-out, so we can slip into that nice swim suit or tight dress. Yet, not all of us are thankful for what we have. Some of us idolize the fact of how others look and what they have.
But the point is, image is everything. If we don't look good as our peers then, we will not fit in. Image is everything to the young crowd. All what they desire is the fact of fitting in. Wanting to want someone or something to be liked by. And this has become a world disease. I call it a disease, because we're so in-tapped into our-self image, than what we feel inside. Most people feel the need to be fit and perfect in the inside and out. And some prefer to be perfect on the outside. And there are those that just want to be fit on the inside and perfect on the outside. Also, there are those that don't want to be perfect inside and out.
Exercising The Body & Mind
In this section, is about why we exercise and why we have to keep our bodies healthy and strong as well as
our minds. For decades we've been hit with so many health problems that is soon to reach the record books. From suffering allergies to heart attacks and strokes to cancers. Why do we need exercise? Why must we keep our bodies healthy? If we exercise, we lessen the chances of stress, anxieties, insomnia, etc. If we keep our bodies healthy, we are capable of defending ourselves from most diseases. And being informed about illnesses and diseases and cancers, by educating ourselves into what is important. We develop self-awareness. To exercise our minds, we have to read. Reading books about important things like; religion, facts, stories, biographies, etc.
When we start to get into shape, we aren't working on one-side of ourselves. We are working on both sides of ourselves. We are working out our minds and our hearts. If we exercise our hearts, the heart pumps blood to all parts of our bodies. Which in turns pumps blood to our brain. Our brain stores images, memories, thought, ideas and feelings. If we don't exercise our bodies. It will become useless and frail. Being active is the most important aspect of our life. Not being active, you'll have more chances of a short life span. If we read books, which exercises our brains. Gives us the chance for longer living. Our minds operate our bodies. Our heart, operates the circulation of our body. Our heart doesn't think. Only in our brains, we think.
And so, if we exercise, we exercise both our brain and our heart. We push ourselves to limitations.
Looking our Best
This section is similar to that of Image is everything. But, we are going to look more deeper. When we want to look our best. Its based off of how we look as we dress for any occasion. Whether it be at the beach, in a gymnasium, fitness club, etc. Yet, we are talking about summer-time. Moreover, once we have decided upon working out for the summer or taking diet pills or supplements just to look good for the opposite sex. We tend to go to the mall to buy ourselves that latest swim-ware to make a great impression.
Although, some of us don't only work-out for the summer to look great. Most of us work-out to compete.
Which in turns, that majority of those of us who work-out day-in and day-out are; athletes. Yet, most of us just want to look good and feel great. Only to lose some pounds for the summer and prepare for the holiday season.
Furthermore, most of us have a weight deficiency. What this means is; your weight either goes up and down, regardless of how much work-out you do. One day you lose 50 lbs, then gain 10 lbs or sometimes its opposite. You lose 10, then gain 50. Yet, all in all, we try to look our best. We do whatever it takes just to look great.
As for men, we hold more weight than women. Yet, women are more conscious of their weight than men. No one has ever grasp the concept of why women are so in depth of how they look. As for men, men have no conscious about weight. Therefore, men are more conscious of how they look.
Moreover, the images that you see, is not your normal Joe or Jane. What you see everyday is this; you see more of obesity than slim figured men and women. Why? Because, its not everyday that you see slim figured women and men at the beach. You see more of married couples with their children at public beaches. Meanwhile, you have slim figured men and women, who travel more because of the fact that they're single. And when they do spend time at the beach, they spend it at private beaches.
The Average Life-style
Today, we are so bombarded by images of beauty, fit, sexiness. Yet, majority of the population is built by the average person. Meaning, overweight people. In the workforce, we are surrounded by people who've suffered stress issues and the media. In a typical day, you seldom see slim figured women out and about. Unless, if you live in Hollywood or Las Vegas, etc.
Going to the Doctors
Now, I am going to talk about Going to the Doctors. Going to the doctors office is no problem. If you take the time to go there to find out about your health. You are taking the first step in changing your life. As you go and meet with your PHP (Primary Health Physician), your doctor will then check you blood pressure,
temperature, oxygen data, and your blood count. Yet, I am not going to dive into this any further, for I am not a doctor or a scientist. Although, I will give you an idea as to which you can plan out what you want to do with your life. Since you're planning to go to the beach this summer and exercise, so you can impress the opposite sex. Doing this is a wise choice. Anyone who goes to the doctors to have a check up, are more responsible with their life. Because, in this day and age. More and more people are either dying from heart disease, stroke, heart attacks and cancers, etc. The idea is to be healthy! The idea is to be healthy and fit so you can eventually meet the person of your dreams or just to show off your figure to your friends. What ever the case may be for your plan this summer? The best option that you can take is to see your doctor at first hand. If you're conscious about; skin cancer. Yet, I don't want you to become all paranoid or anything. I just want you to be aware of what you or your body will become.
Okay! Now that we have reached this point in the blog. We have learned that by losing weight and taking supplements, may have a pro and a con to it. The Pro; losing weight, has to be natural. The Con; taking supplements, may be a bad idea. If the supplements is prescribed by your doctor, then it is fine. But, if it isn't. It may cause some health risks. We also talked about; image is everything. Image in itself is all what we feel inside. Not what the media thinks. You as a person have to take advantage of yourself. You have to take responsibility and ownership of your body. If not, you'll fall into some health risk. Becoming skinny, is not the whole point of feeling great. The whole point about feeling great, is how you feel inside. If you feel happy with yourself, even if you tried working-out and the pounds don't come off, don't worry about it. If you eat a lot and you still look skinny, be happy about it. And to be truthful, exercise does the body good. Yet, don't make it as religious thing. Just have the mind-set of being active and everything will fall into place. The average life-style of people, don't like to take their shirt off when their at the beach. Most do, because their happy with themselves. As long as you're a happy with yourself, the better you'll be. And lastly, visiting the doctors office, is not a bad thing. You are actually telling yourself this; "I am taking control of my health and my life and I want to make myself feel better..." When you say this, you are owning yourself and taking responsibility of your life. Most people hate to see the doctor, but going to them and hearing the truth or some would say; "lies" is only based upon their opinion. You have to have faith and take ownership of your life. If you want to look good and feel great. Then go for it! I hope that this blog was helpful? Have a great day!
Losing Weight
This day and age, we're so bombarded by infomercials that teases us to buy things that we don't really need. And there're advertisements that illustrate about all different types of weight-loss products. When people decide to lose weight, they either plan to exercise and eat right, in order to lose weight. Yet, most people rely on supplements to get by. Although, supplements are great, but it depends on where you get it. Some supplements are hazardous to your health. Reason being, is that some supplements are approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) or Food and Drug Agency. And some are not approved by it.
Purchasing any product from the FDA by any vitamin and supplement store near you. You'll have a better chance of success. And those that aren't you'll get health risks. Yet, sometimes the ones that are approved by the FDA aren't accurate either. Most times, its better to purchase a product that is approved by your PHP (Primary Health Physician). Because, its a guarantee that its approved by the government.
Here is a link that you can follow up: This link will teach you everything that is to know about weight loss supplements. You can also go to: And he will inform you on what types of supplements that are good for you. By following these websites and many more. You can find just about every information that you can get from purchasing weight loss supplements.
Furthermore, if you start taking these supplements. You can't stop. I mean, its not addictive. Yet, if you stop taking them. The pounds that you once lost will overwhelm you after the fact. Because, once you lose it, it comes back ten times more than you were. So, be careful!
My advice to you would be this; eat moderately, eat small portions and not huge portions and exercise at least one to two minutes per day. Or three to five minutes per day.
Reason being, when you eat moderately or eat small portions. It gives the body chance to digest the food that you ate. Which in turns shrinks your stomach so you can only absorb the amount. The key to this is your plate or bowl. The bigger the plate or bowl, the bigger your stomach is going to be. The smaller the plate or bowl, the smaller your stomach is going to be. Therefore, look closely of what you're eating. Also, the texture of your food. If it is too greasy, there's a lot of fat involve in your food. If it is not greasy, then you don't have fat in your food (although, your food does contain fat. But its good fat. Its not saturated fat or trans-fat).
Have a decent diet not strict diet

Moreover, its all about the words. When you put it into your mind, it becomes psychological. The physical part is the fact that you have to plan out your exercise routine. But, exercise and dieting equals mental plus physical.
And another thing to losing weight and dieting, is the fact of counting calories. I mean, what is the point of losing weight if your whole focus is about counting calories? All you have to do is look at the size of your plate or bowl. It will tell you how much you're consuming. If it is a large plate/bowl, chances are you're getting too much calories. As for a medium size to small, you most likely will get less calories. But, it's better to have a medium/small size portions because it is better, see it. Plus, look at the image above, the one that has less on the plate. That right there, is an example of what you'll think when you're going on a strict diet and counting calories. Yet, the image that has the fruits and veggies. It illustrates that you'll not cheat, because you're content on what you're eating and the size of your portion. Does this make sense? I hope it does. Because if you're on a strict diet chances are you're going to cheat yourself. And you won't make it to your goal. In a sense, you're punishing yourself.
Therefore, adopt a decent diet plan. That way, you're allowed to reward yourself.
"Image is everything." Sprite™

That is why, image has become everything. We tend to want to look good. We want others to like us for what we look by the fact of our image. The way we dress, the way we walk, talk, etc. When it comes to the summer-time. We workout day-in and day-out, so we can slip into that nice swim suit or tight dress. Yet, not all of us are thankful for what we have. Some of us idolize the fact of how others look and what they have.
But the point is, image is everything. If we don't look good as our peers then, we will not fit in. Image is everything to the young crowd. All what they desire is the fact of fitting in. Wanting to want someone or something to be liked by. And this has become a world disease. I call it a disease, because we're so in-tapped into our-self image, than what we feel inside. Most people feel the need to be fit and perfect in the inside and out. And some prefer to be perfect on the outside. And there are those that just want to be fit on the inside and perfect on the outside. Also, there are those that don't want to be perfect inside and out.
Exercising The Body & Mind
In this section, is about why we exercise and why we have to keep our bodies healthy and strong as well as
our minds. For decades we've been hit with so many health problems that is soon to reach the record books. From suffering allergies to heart attacks and strokes to cancers. Why do we need exercise? Why must we keep our bodies healthy? If we exercise, we lessen the chances of stress, anxieties, insomnia, etc. If we keep our bodies healthy, we are capable of defending ourselves from most diseases. And being informed about illnesses and diseases and cancers, by educating ourselves into what is important. We develop self-awareness. To exercise our minds, we have to read. Reading books about important things like; religion, facts, stories, biographies, etc.
When we start to get into shape, we aren't working on one-side of ourselves. We are working on both sides of ourselves. We are working out our minds and our hearts. If we exercise our hearts, the heart pumps blood to all parts of our bodies. Which in turns pumps blood to our brain. Our brain stores images, memories, thought, ideas and feelings. If we don't exercise our bodies. It will become useless and frail. Being active is the most important aspect of our life. Not being active, you'll have more chances of a short life span. If we read books, which exercises our brains. Gives us the chance for longer living. Our minds operate our bodies. Our heart, operates the circulation of our body. Our heart doesn't think. Only in our brains, we think.
And so, if we exercise, we exercise both our brain and our heart. We push ourselves to limitations.
Looking our Best
This section is similar to that of Image is everything. But, we are going to look more deeper. When we want to look our best. Its based off of how we look as we dress for any occasion. Whether it be at the beach, in a gymnasium, fitness club, etc. Yet, we are talking about summer-time. Moreover, once we have decided upon working out for the summer or taking diet pills or supplements just to look good for the opposite sex. We tend to go to the mall to buy ourselves that latest swim-ware to make a great impression.

Which in turns, that majority of those of us who work-out day-in and day-out are; athletes. Yet, most of us just want to look good and feel great. Only to lose some pounds for the summer and prepare for the holiday season.
Furthermore, most of us have a weight deficiency. What this means is; your weight either goes up and down, regardless of how much work-out you do. One day you lose 50 lbs, then gain 10 lbs or sometimes its opposite. You lose 10, then gain 50. Yet, all in all, we try to look our best. We do whatever it takes just to look great.
As for men, we hold more weight than women. Yet, women are more conscious of their weight than men. No one has ever grasp the concept of why women are so in depth of how they look. As for men, men have no conscious about weight. Therefore, men are more conscious of how they look.
Moreover, the images that you see, is not your normal Joe or Jane. What you see everyday is this; you see more of obesity than slim figured men and women. Why? Because, its not everyday that you see slim figured women and men at the beach. You see more of married couples with their children at public beaches. Meanwhile, you have slim figured men and women, who travel more because of the fact that they're single. And when they do spend time at the beach, they spend it at private beaches.
The Average Life-style
Today, we are so bombarded by images of beauty, fit, sexiness. Yet, majority of the population is built by the average person. Meaning, overweight people. In the workforce, we are surrounded by people who've suffered stress issues and the media. In a typical day, you seldom see slim figured women out and about. Unless, if you live in Hollywood or Las Vegas, etc.
In the meantime, you have people who struggle their lives, just make ends meet. Most people suffer psychological issues. In which affects their health. The reason this is being addressed is that, we have to learn to be comfortable with our bodies, instead of stressing over how we look or feel. Some of the cases is blamed upon the media. On that note, the media advertises products that help you lose weight or eat unhealthy foods. But, they don't care about you. They care more about making
profits and gaining customers that are willing to buy their product. Therefore you as a person will be thinking about things like; "I want to change my body...I want to be fit...I want to look sexy again..." Or on a negative level; "No one likes me...I lost my job...I am too fat..." And when we start to think of these things, we tend to give in and indulge. We eat more than what we should.Going to the Doctors
Now, I am going to talk about Going to the Doctors. Going to the doctors office is no problem. If you take the time to go there to find out about your health. You are taking the first step in changing your life. As you go and meet with your PHP (Primary Health Physician), your doctor will then check you blood pressure,
temperature, oxygen data, and your blood count. Yet, I am not going to dive into this any further, for I am not a doctor or a scientist. Although, I will give you an idea as to which you can plan out what you want to do with your life. Since you're planning to go to the beach this summer and exercise, so you can impress the opposite sex. Doing this is a wise choice. Anyone who goes to the doctors to have a check up, are more responsible with their life. Because, in this day and age. More and more people are either dying from heart disease, stroke, heart attacks and cancers, etc. The idea is to be healthy! The idea is to be healthy and fit so you can eventually meet the person of your dreams or just to show off your figure to your friends. What ever the case may be for your plan this summer? The best option that you can take is to see your doctor at first hand. If you're conscious about; skin cancer. Yet, I don't want you to become all paranoid or anything. I just want you to be aware of what you or your body will become.
Okay! Now that we have reached this point in the blog. We have learned that by losing weight and taking supplements, may have a pro and a con to it. The Pro; losing weight, has to be natural. The Con; taking supplements, may be a bad idea. If the supplements is prescribed by your doctor, then it is fine. But, if it isn't. It may cause some health risks. We also talked about; image is everything. Image in itself is all what we feel inside. Not what the media thinks. You as a person have to take advantage of yourself. You have to take responsibility and ownership of your body. If not, you'll fall into some health risk. Becoming skinny, is not the whole point of feeling great. The whole point about feeling great, is how you feel inside. If you feel happy with yourself, even if you tried working-out and the pounds don't come off, don't worry about it. If you eat a lot and you still look skinny, be happy about it. And to be truthful, exercise does the body good. Yet, don't make it as religious thing. Just have the mind-set of being active and everything will fall into place. The average life-style of people, don't like to take their shirt off when their at the beach. Most do, because their happy with themselves. As long as you're a happy with yourself, the better you'll be. And lastly, visiting the doctors office, is not a bad thing. You are actually telling yourself this; "I am taking control of my health and my life and I want to make myself feel better..." When you say this, you are owning yourself and taking responsibility of your life. Most people hate to see the doctor, but going to them and hearing the truth or some would say; "lies" is only based upon their opinion. You have to have faith and take ownership of your life. If you want to look good and feel great. Then go for it! I hope that this blog was helpful? Have a great day!
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